So after picking up my NIE yesterday (My friend Erin says I look very Tina Fey-ish in my picture. I hope airport guards won't be disappointed when they see me in the flesh. Y TUS LENTES?!) I headed over to Living in London for some quiet alone time.
Living in London is a small tea house that is a couple of blocks away from my apartment. Yes, it's the kind of darling place your grandmother would like but the wallpaper, cushions and peonies in the window truly make it a cheery and cozy place. The only thing missing is a working fireplace. Maybe even a Colin Firth doppelganger waiter, but I'll leave that for management to decide.
I was unaware of it existence until Debbie made the terrible decision to take me there last week. I say terrible because among the many amazing things on the menu, they have scones with clotted cream and jam and... CADBURY HOT CHOCOLATE. IN A GIANT MUG AS BIG AS YOUR FACE. TOPPED WITH WHIPPED CREAM AND SPRINKLES.

I was the only person sitting there alone. I read my book, did some writing, stuffed my face with finger sandwiches, scones and a side of quality eavesdropping (the pregnant Spanish businesswoman next to me jumped from petrol to fashion and then back to petrol).
It was just what I needed. I also cooked a three-course meal yesterday and nearly burned down the apartment, but that's a whole other post.
- I'm going to Barcelona in two weeks and I'll be in Paris the first weekend in December. Any suggestions are welcome!
- The Sartorialist is coming to Madrid! I'm definitely going but I don't know what to wear...
- I had my first Guinness in Las Ventas during Oktoberfest last week. It was really frothy and just as filling as a proper meal.

In fact, when this picture was taken, I think I was suppressing a burp.
(photos courtesy of my favorite Finnish person, Johanna)
I love your hair! Did you cut it in Espa˜˜ña? I havent' read a blog about it. Then again, I am catching up on my StephanieSays blogs right now...Looks like you are having a good time exploring.