Charlie and I were completely lost in conversation on the bus ride back to work. It was raining and God knows what we were talking about when all of a sudden a guy sitting ahead of us leapt to the empty seat on the left and spun around to face us.
"So what brings you to Spain?" he asked, with his elbow propped up on the seat and his hand behind his head. I think he was going for "suave" but it just came across as CREEPY. Before we could respond, he pointed at Charlie and said, "You're British." It was all so abrupt and strange that she didn't have the time to process and respond. "And you're American," he said, pointing at me.
The people around us stared. He obviously overheard us speaking English and thought it would be a good idea to introduce himself. I admire a man who takes the initiative but COME ON. There are ways to do this without making a girl feel uneasy (or reach for the pepper spray).
I gathered my wits and told him we taught English at a nearby elementary school (vague, but still an answer). He said he taught as well and that he was an exchange student. To be honest, I don't remember much of what he said after that because my internal thoughts were OMG THIS IS REALLY WEIRD.
Then the bus came to a stop, he quickly said goodbye and got off, leaving us completely stupefied.
It reminded me of the time I was chatting with Erin in a corner of a crowded El Mercado de San Miguel when a bartender walked up to us, asked if we were American and then offered us free drinks because he said he was bored (I kid you not).
Speaking English in Spain? It's sure to get you noticed.
(photo via Bears!)